Actually I am not an illustrator, although I like drawing, painting and making sketch.
I am a mom .. a lecturer.. and a crafter.
But then, i decided to become an illustrator for my own book - children book-. The only reason I had was I love crafting and I had dreamed that every single of my book should be illustrated in a crafty way. So, I have no other choice than making all of it my self. I still cant find a partner on this .
And you know what?
It wasn't easy at all :D It takes times, consumes a lot of energy.
started from making pattern, apply it on fabric, sewing every details, and take a picture of it. Totally different from digital illustration.
it takes a lot of energy.. but.. it give so much satisfaction when its all done ^^
It is always be my desire to make felt illustration more popular. Not only felt actually but also all of craft such as
felt applique, paper collage, plasticine and so on.
i hope -in the future- will be my own speciality : craft illustration ^^
this is it!! pictorialbook made in dini capungmungil
happy illustrating everyone!
Keren bgt mba Dini! sukses!
BalasHapusilustrasinya menyenangkan mata dan hati, Ibu :D
BalasHapusbagus pisan!
@tania: makasih yaaa.. iyaa with all my heart nih...
BalasHapus@melani: thank you for stopping by yaaa...
BalasHapusWow! Uber cute!
BalasHapus*kasih jempol banyak-banyak*
@mb inaaaa.... thanks yooo
BalasHapusIlustrasinya enak banget dilihatnya mbak :D
BalasHapusSukses ya... Bukunya dah terbit???
@dweedy: insyaAllah dalam waktu dekat, bulan depanan..semoga
BalasHapuskalau yang 2 seri udah bulan Juni kemarin.. ini aku campur :D
salut dengan keberaniannya mempopulerkan craft ilustration book
BalasHapussemoga dilancarkan dan dimudahkan mbak.
sukses ya !!!
amiiin..terima kasih ya mb Orin ^^
BalasHapusbukannya gamau bikin mbak, tp harga yg ditawarkan tidak sebanding dgn effort yg dikeluarkan. Biasanya penulis ga pernah tau effort ilustrator, mereka maunya bgs tapi ga mau bayar dgn harga sebanding. Effort ilustratornya kurang dihargai, hanya dihargai "hasil" bukan proses.Tapi saya salut dgn usaha mbak yg akhirnya terpaksa membuat sendiri, jadinya mbak tau sesulit apa membuatnya :D.Good Luck
BalasHapus@miufel: tetap semangaaat.. saya dengan senag hati kok bikin ilustrasinya hehehe.. ngga terpaksa ^^V
BalasHapusamazing! begitu detail skali mba.. indah bgt. sya penyuka warna2 terang, kiddie spt itu. kebayang refotnya. tp klo sdh liat hasilnya, capeknya ilang ya.. hehe.
BalasHapus@Yna: terima kasih yaaa ina sudah stopping by.. semoga menang giveawaynya...^^
BalasHapus"CapungMungil... Happy birtday yg ke-4..^^
BalasHapussemoga makin kreatif & inovatif. sukses slalu..."
wah, hebat sekali, mbak. salut! :)
BalasHapus@bloomdy... dan @dunia kecil indi.. supportnya sangat berarti ^^..semoga selalu bersemangat!
BalasHapusKereeen... kereeeen...! Kalo mau contek idenya, boleh kan? (maksudnya, jadi pengen juga ikutan bikin buku cerita dengan ilustrasi lucu-lucu begini) Tapi emang kebayang, mesti nyediain waktu banyak-banyak. Hmm...
BalasHapushehehe..gak cuma banyak mb.. tapi buanyaaaak ^^
BalasHapusmba diniiii...salam kenal... aku dini juga... coba lihat deh di postingan blog aku ada mba dini. seneng lihat karya2nya mba din.
BalasHapushalloooow.. salam kenal juga mb dini ^^.. hihi sesama dini yaaa, terima kasih yaaa..
BalasHapuswah,, keren banget,mbak ilustrasi felt-nya,, mencerminkan yang bikin telaten nih ehehehe,,,
BalasHapusLooks fantastic
BalasHapusYOu are very talented
Thank You for dropping by my blog
Cheers from Bangalore ,India
Dr Sonia S V
Dear Dr. Sonia.. thank you for stopping by.. your works are awesome ^^ love it
BalasHapusSubhanalloh...kerem2 br nemu yg begini...boleh tanya mb...bikin ilustrasinya lgsg pakai bahan/di komputer dl,pk corel misalnya?
BalasHapus@rita elviana: ini saya buat langsung di kainnya mb.. ngga pake corel ataupun adobe ^^
BalasHapus"If I are asked by Ms. Dini to give her inspirations, what's is my favorite childhood story / stories ? "
BalasHapusI would answer it was Aladin and the magic lamp, beside the beautiful, thrilling, and sad stories it also contain many educational n morality value in life, so the reader especially the children will learn about braveness and honour.
It would be great if Ms. Dini could make such a story in her felt creations.
best regard
Siti Maryam (
jadi mw beli bukunya...lucu bgt... >_<
BalasHapushayuuuuk ditunggu mb hany
BalasHapusmbak, kesabaranmu dalam menjahit/menyulam harus diacungin jempol. hebaat !! smg bukunya sukses ya..
BalasHapusLOVE.LOVE,LOVE and try to illustrate my children s books like You.Its a beautiful day for me TODAY,because I first time see Your blog.I will try and show to You.Felt is more expensive in Serbia or its no expensive but we will have little money for our work :( but I DO IT ! :))) Lot kisses from Serbia,