Foto saya
a mom of homeschool twinnies (boy and girl), an ex architect, a lecturer, a crafter, and a children book's author and illustrator. loves drawing, crafting, illustrating, making pretty things..

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Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to stop by my little space! i am happy to share my daily activities (homeschooling, green living, writing, ilustrating & crafting) and hope you enjoy it...


Senin, 14 November 2011

DIY-Felt Patchwork Quilt Tutorial

I have been longing to make a beautiful patchwork and quilt from felt.. but i cant figure any idea..
then one day some i found a marvellous website A lady a.k.a Marriane sew a very lovely quilt made from felt. Totally awesome!!!

and I really can't wait to make my own pacthwork..with a little capungmungil's touch
here they are..

wanna see the whole story ?? i will post it when they are ready.

11 komentar:

  1. ditunggu postingan lengkapnya mbaaak :D

  2. mbak dini..keren bgt....pengen buat juga buat playmate anak2 :)

  3. ihh kereenn2 ternyata flanel bisa dbuat quilt juga..:), dtunggu postingan lanjutannya mba din^^

  4. cakep mba din ^ ^, dikirim ke balikpapan gak nolak lho :p

  5. ihhh... lucu mbak...
    jadi pangen nyoba XD
    *tp belom pernah bikin apa2 dr flanel* -__-a

  6. heeee.... seneng banget lhoo ternyata bikin pacthwork dari kain felt.. cerah ceria ^^

  7. salam kenal mbak.... :)
    uwaa,lucu2nya karyanyaaaaaa......imut banget :D

  8. ih mba din... berapa lama tuh ngerjainnya...beuuh... musti telaten banget...hehhe...

  9. @dini: ngerjain desainnya sih 2 hari..jahitnya kurang dari seminggu hehehe


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