I always love to try and experiment on new craft technique. So far I learn how to crocheting and I learn Ribbon Embroidery and my first trial was on felt.
I made a simple pouch with a ribbon embroidery touch on it
satisfied? not really.. ^^ so I decided to buy a ribbon embroidery book and made another try
not on felt actually.. but combine with felt ^^
- DK Wardhani (Dini)
- a mom of homeschool twinnies (boy and girl), an ex architect, a lecturer, a crafter, and a children book's author and illustrator. loves drawing, crafting, illustrating, making pretty things..
Hi there...
Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to stop by my little space! i am happy to share my daily activities (homeschooling, green living, writing, ilustrating & crafting) and hope you enjoy it...-Dini-dkwardhani@yahoo.com
Senin, 30 April 2012
Jumat, 20 April 2012
DIY- Quickie Felt Birdie Tutorial
Dear crafty friends
today i will post a simple cute birdie from felt.. super cute
all you need are some colourful felts - 1/2 circle
shape the heads first
give some wings
give some beaks
dont forget the eyes
violaaa.. you can make a four different birdies
or you can make it as a key chains or anything else ^^
you can learn more about felt accesories from my new book
today i will post a simple cute birdie from felt.. super cute
all you need are some colourful felts - 1/2 circle
shape the heads first
give some wings
give some beaks
violaaa.. you can make a four different birdies
or you can make it as a key chains or anything else ^^
you can learn more about felt accesories from my new book
Sabtu, 14 April 2012
DIY-Felt PINK Flower Tutorial
hello there..
i would like to show you something real tricky..
what can you do from a simple pink felt circle??
a lot of different kind of flower of course ^^
to learn more about felt accessories you can read my new book
have fun ^^
i would like to show you something real tricky..
what can you do from a simple pink felt circle??
a lot of different kind of flower of course ^^
you can combine one another to make a beautiful and lovely flower for anything..
corsage, felt jewellery, accessories, gift warp or any other things :)
just explore your creativity
have fun ^^
Rabu, 11 April 2012
My third craft book #3: Aksesori Flanel Gaya
this is my third book and will be launch at the end of April 2012. It is all about accesories for teens and kiddies.
I have been working with my beloved partner yuka aninda from Cumil Felt and Kriya Pustaka Publisher
this is my third book and will be launch at the end of April 2012. It is all about accesories for teens and kiddies.
I have been working with my beloved partner yuka aninda from Cumil Felt and Kriya Pustaka Publisher
i will give you some clue ^^
It contain 120 pages
with more than 25 projects to share and 10 products in gallery
step by step tutorial and basic technique are included
there is a little endorsment from mb Emma Aliudin - Editor in Chief CHIC MAGAZINE- on back cover
some projects are inspired by betz white and felting.craftgossip
Selasa, 10 April 2012
Capungmungil on PojokUtakUtik (exclusive interview)
Dear All.. i have got exclusive interviewed by mb Hany from pojokutakatik
wanna read it?
here are some questions made for me
Saat ini kerajinan/crafts kan sedang booming di Indonesia, hampir semua jenis kerajinan sudah dikenal di Indonesia, punya banyak penggemar dan ditekuni teman-teman crafters, diantara sekian banyak jenis kerajinan ini, kenapa mbak memilih felt? Pernah tidak terlintas keinginan untuk mencoba jenis kerajinan lainnya, tatting atau jewelry making misalnya?
it was so much fun, thank you so much mb Hany ^^
wanna read it?
here are some questions made for me
Saat ini kerajinan/crafts kan sedang booming di Indonesia, hampir semua jenis kerajinan sudah dikenal di Indonesia, punya banyak penggemar dan ditekuni teman-teman crafters, diantara sekian banyak jenis kerajinan ini, kenapa mbak memilih felt? Pernah tidak terlintas keinginan untuk mencoba jenis kerajinan lainnya, tatting atau jewelry making misalnya?
and the answer? click here
Saya perhatikan felt ini yang belakangan ini paling populer, setelah sebelumnya clay sempat mewabah. kepopuleran felt ditandai dengan banyaknya jumlah teman-teman yang menekuninya. Aneka macam kreasi diciptakan dengan bahan ini, apa yang menjadi ciri khas kreasi felt made in mbak Dini?
and the answer? click here

Di blog capungmungil diungkapkan sederet aktivitas mbak, menulis, mainan edukatif, ilustrasi. Apakah semua kegiatan tersebut saling berkait satu sama lain, misalnya menulis hanya tentang felt educative toys? bagaimana dengan ilustrasi?
and the answer? click here

Jumat, 06 April 2012
They Review My -children- Books
Who are they?
they are magazine and tabloid for mom, baby, kiddos ^^
yes.. Alhamdulillah for these ^^ I am so grateful..
I am just a new comer in children books writing industry, but they had my book reviewed :) oh my God..
Math Craft on Mother and Baby Mag 2011
busy boat on Parenting Magz March 2012
Trackie Train on Mom & Kiddie Tabloid April 2012
My Adventure on Toddie Magz April 2012
Comfy Car on Nakita Feb 2012
MathCraft on Nakita March 2012
these book are made for my twinnies
and of course Indonesian Children all over the country
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