Foto saya
a mom of homeschool twinnies (boy and girl), an ex architect, a lecturer, a crafter, and a children book's author and illustrator. loves drawing, crafting, illustrating, making pretty things..

Hi there...

Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to stop by my little space! i am happy to share my daily activities (homeschooling, green living, writing, ilustrating & crafting) and hope you enjoy it...


Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

learning something new - CROCHET !!

It was an awesome weekend.. last Sunday I learned a new craft that is crocheting.. :)
Maybe some of you know me as a felt crafter..but nothing more exciting than trying a new thing.. it was a lot of fun. 
I learned crochet from my friend Wiwid Wurya and of course my mom. 
start from zero.. I learned simple crochet ^^
and in the end of the day I was able to make a crochet brooch/headband.. so proud of my self ^^

so.. lets try a new craft.. it will sharpening your skill ^^

4 komentar:

  1. Hi, Dini! This is my first time visiting your blog. And you know what; I love what I’m seeing!! Love your creation of crochets. Great job!

  2. thank you so much for visiting my site Tan.. nice to meet you :)

  3. mba dini,, salam kenal... ^^ keren yah, belajarnya cepet...
    bagus lagi hasilnya.. mantap euy

  4. Pengen nyoba crocheting juga suatu saat nanti tapi kelihatannya rumit ya mbak Dini. hihihiiii...

    Hasilnya bagus loh mbak :)


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